3 ways to SNAP out of living on Autopilot…
3 ways to SNAP out of living on Autopilot
Are we all just a bunch of zombies? Going through the day with the same routine without much conscious thought or effort to what we do or say?
Wake up, eat breakfast get ready for work play the same radio station on the way to work start your day at work with the same cup of coffee walk into a meeting, perform like a robot and start thinking about what youre going to eat for lunch then before you know it youre on your way home listening to the same radio station. Then your evening begins with a similar routine. Maybe its going to the gym, fixing dinner watching the SAME stupid TV shows over and over again then crawling into bed. Just to repeat it all the next day what is this GROUND HOGS DAY?!?!
Am I right or what? But were all guilty of falling into habits and routines that arent healthy.
Stop and take a look around one day see how we are shuffling through the motions, at the grocery store, running errands, dropping your kids off to school without much thought, feeling or effort.
Did you know that if you were to make one shift in your routine it would actually IMPROVE your day? It would cause you to activate some brain cells that have been asleep for awhile.
A LOT of us are stuck in this rut I want to help you add more quality and abundance to your life .
Here is a simple step by step process to help shake up your routine and give your life and relationships some added flavor!
STOP going through the motions of buying the SAME brands the SAME stuff every week. Yes we all have favorites, and thats ok for your main staples but I want to take this a step further. CONSCIOUSLY buy your groceries. Be SMART about what youre putting in your shopping cart. Ask yourself why do I always buy this brand? Do you even KNOW if its good for you? Is it because mom always bought that brand? Why do you fall into a pattern that was someone elses decision? Its ok to question what you have been taught to believe as truth. This will make you stronger in your decisions and beliefs. Start educating yourself so you can feel powerful around your choices. I will be the first to tell you how overwhelmed I felt 10 years ago when I started my journey to EAT consciously. I took it a step further and went back to school to learn holistic nutrition. I needed to know WHY Oreos were bad for me. I needed to know WHAT the ingredients were actually doing to my blood cells and neurons in my brain. Yes, Im stubborn to the core and will always dig deeper beneath the surface. If you dont want to go back to school like I did or self educate like I have for the past 10 years, then hire a mentor or guide to help walk you through the overwhelm of changing your life around.
You may not be in control of your work hours but you can change your commute to work or change your workout routine to morning instead of evening. Switch it up so that you keep your body guessing and more alert of change. You may also see a change in your results with your physique.
Happy hour and meeting friends doesnt always have to be on a Friday. Meet up with your friends for an evening out during the week to break up the monotony of your workweek.
Change your breakfast options and other meal routines. Why does Tuesday always have to be pizza night? Boring and predictable right? Be more conscious of your food choices how many fruits and vegetables are you consuming with each meal? Are you eating out of boredom, emptiness or hunger?
Plan something fun for the weekends. Start planning it Monday and watch how your mood shifts at work as you now have something fun to look forward to, buy for and plan. I know Im giddy all week as Friday gets closer and closer if I have fun plans to look forward to.
As you grow as a person, and I hope that you are. You will cycle in new friends and outgrow old friends. This happens as we grow and expand into better people. There is nothing wrong with this cycle of life so embrace it. Getting stuck meeting the same people every Friday for happy hour may be inhibiting your growth. Is it a positive environment or are they gathering to complain over a beer? Is this healthy behavior? Are you learning anything new from these friends that will empower you to grow and be a better you?
Ive recently connected to some VERY healthy online forums of other health coaches. This has empowered me in so many ways. Its a healthy community of other women that lift each other UP, instead of tearing one another DOWN. Which is a pattern that the WRONG female friends can bring to your life. We share our businesses and passions together as we help guide this world to a healthier place. I encourage you to find a community that will uplift you and encourage you to grow and be a better version of yourself
perhaps its a small bible study at your church, a small group, an exercise class, meet up group that meets every week and does a HEALTHY activity (not drinking)
something SOULFUL that nurtures your spirit
and makes you FEEL more alive!
Well my friends those are some minor changes to make to your life. I cannot express to you enough how important it is to LIVE, EAT and BREATHE CONSCIOUSLY! CHOOSE the very best for your life and watch your attitude change, your energy and the vibration that you put out to the world! You will enhance the beacon of light that you always were!
Wishing you Abundance and Gratitude!
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach/Holistic Nutritionist