3 ways to start DREAMING again!
3 ways to start DREAMING again!
When was the last time you allowed yourself to play? I mean REALLY play? Such as rolling down a grassy hill to swinging on the swings. When was the last time you played dress up? Complete with wigs, make up and a tutu?
If you have children or grandchildren you have the perfect excuse or should I say cover to behave exactly in this way! If you dont go borrow some! (kidding) seriously no excuses!
I caught myself once scolding my 10 year old for dreaming up fairy tales about what she was going to be when she grew up then I stopped myself and felt remorseful as I realized that life experiences and my environment had placed me in a box of reality. When did I stop dreaming about the future? When did I stop staring at the clouds in the sky and figuring out what Disney characters they looked like?
Isnt being an adult kind of boring? We worry about bills, taxes, car maintenance, getting our kids to school on time, grocery shopping and what are boss thinks about us. BORRRRRING!!!
Lets give ourselves permission to take a time out from life and PLAY AGAIN.
You may be thinking that Im being irresponsible when in fact Im doing the opposite. Im educating you on a life exercise that will benefit your overall balance of lifestyle.
Ive created 3 ways for you to get out of your head and back into your heart. When you get out of the black and white box of life and start dreaming in color again, you will experience a complete shift in your life as you start to BELIEVE that fairy tales really DO come true and trust me whatever you are thinking is going to come true anyway, so it might as well be what youve been WISHING FOR!!
If you havent learned this art form of shutting off your forever chatting mind, then grab a book on How to Meditate by Pema Chodron
If you only have a spare 15 minutes to do this exercise, I promise you it will be worth it! I feel completely energized, refocused and ready to begin my day all over again. I practice this right after a busy day of calls and coaching sessions. It helps me to create a clean slate in my mind and feel refreshed as I continue my evening activities with my daughter, friends or dating life.
DREAM journal
Weve all heard of journaling but I want you to take it a step further. Write your dream life, in the present tense. For example, I may start out my day writing about how productive my day will be and add how the people you interact with that day will be also. I may write that my daughter will have a great day in school and she will behave and complete her homework etc. I may also write how certain areas of my life that I have challenges with will become seamless and in the flow of the right energy. Ive been practicing this method for about 8 weeks now and Im looking back at how powerful the act of Intent and Manifestation really is and how instances are becoming MY REALITY!
TRY IT! Its not only FUN it helps you get out of your head and into what you REALLY want in your life.
This exercise will give you proof after a period of time just how powerful you truly are! You create your destiny!
Child-like activities
This one is my favorite! Im a work-aholic by nature. I LOVE what I do! Coaching on natural health and business feels like playing to me because Im passionate about helping others. So I give my daughter permission to hold me accountable to playful activities. She is pretty good at it too! We Rollerskate, ride bikes, hike, swing on the swings, and yes I even go down the slide! The picture included at the top of this article is one of our Sunday afternoons where we ride our bikes then lay in the grass talking about stuff. We will do sit ups, hand stands and cartwheels on the grassy field.
My wonderful mom sent my daughter, Shyla a birthday video text message. At first I couldnt figure out why she had a cowboy hat on and pig tails! My mom is a gorgeous 70 year old woman that doesnt look a day over 55 so I giggled and texted her back asking why she was dressed up she said thats what we do, Shyla and me we play dress up and send videos back and forth. I think I will save that singing birthday text from my mom for years to come! Its a great reminder from my mom, mentor and best friend just how to truly LIVE LIFE!
So go out there be silly be goofy and ALLOW YOURSELF to GIGGLE again dream BIG and live life to the fullest!
Life is too short to be a grown up ALL THE TIME!
Best wishes, hugs and giggles,
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach