Do you have an attitude of gratitude?
Do you have an attitude of gratitude?
Gratitude: thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.
Are you starting to listen to Christmas music and slowly getting into the spirit of the holidays? I am…
With Thanksgiving this week, I stopped to reflect what I am thankful for. I didnt make daily posts on Facebook like many of my colleagues have…as I feel that it should be a daily ritual every day. Ive noticed that the more grateful you are for what you have, the more the universe sends your way.Im sure youve also heard that if you are not a good steward of the money you have now, the universe will never send more your way…
Isnt that interesting to you?
I find it a blessing …this mindset FORCES you to observe what you have now and accept it with gratefulness, care and structured thought. Why do you we look around our house and say, hmmmm wish I had a larger television, more square footage, a new couch and so on? Isnt that selfish? I catch myself doing that from time to time as well… as I am highly driven by goals. My nature is to jump, strive and sprint towards what I want in life. Not a bad trait to have, but what many around me do not know…is that I embrace my surroundings with a grateful heart every day.
Here are some of my daily rituals that have proven to be effective and have attracted amazing people, events and financial success into my life.
1) First and foremost, for attraction purposes I recommend a great book by Joe Vitale called the Attractor Factor. I read it earlier this year and I love that its also a workbook. You can write in your goals.
2) Secondly I have a gratitude journal next to my bed. I write in it before the day starts and at the end of the day. Im sipping my morning tea or coffee in bed, writing and reflecting. This puts your heart into such a warm place to start your day with a smile.
3) Meditation- learn this practice. It will benefit you in health and keep your mind clear and strong. Its the best stress reliever. Our mind is powerful. Your thoughts can make you sick or heal you… you choose.
I practice this right after a long day of work- when Ive poured my heart and energy into many individuals all day. This is the best gift that I can give my daughter, to just stop, re-energize and give her a new recharged mommy for the rest of the evening. All you need is 15 minutes of quiet alone time to feel like a new person again.
I want you to make a list starting now of everything youre grateful for. Start with the simple things that we take for granted… indoor plumbing (go ahead and smile) running water, heating/cooling, carpet, a roof over our head, a warm bed to sleep in…. you get the idea. Never take anything or anyone for granted, or you may find yourself without one day.
Try any of these 3 strategies and watch your attitude switch over to gratitude!
Hold everything and everyone that you love near and dear to your heart this Thanksgiving and may you always have more blessings from above!
Be well…and dont eat too much! XOXOXO
Karie Millspaugh
Your Wellness Coach