How others may see you

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

Do you ever walk into a party or a crowded room a little shy while searching for a familiar face?  At first you don’t see anyone recognizable and then you start to feel self-conscious.  You start to second guess what you chose to wear that evening and then wondering why you even got out of your pajamas to attend in the first place.  Your mind drifts off to the Netflix series you just started and thinking that may have been a better way to spend your school night but here you are, scanning the crowd of smiling faces that are dressed to sparkle and shine hoping to see someone you know.

Then you spot one face that you recognize, then another and another and your smile widens with happiness that you chose to dress up and sparkle along with your peers on a cold Tuesday evening in December.

This is how I felt last Tuesday night when I attended the Women’s Silver State Awards.

I had received a simple social media message 3 months prior that stated that I was nominated for the “Best Local Motivational Speaker” award by TMG Entertainment and the Silver State Awards.

My first reaction was to respond kindly, stating that I think you have me mistaken with someone else.  Or something along the lines of, I may have a few recommendations for you to help you fill those nominations, but I must respectfully decline.

I don’t see myself as motivational.

Inspirational? Yes…

Educational? I hope so…

I’m not the type to get up at 5 am and hit the gym and try to “slay the day” with all sorts of hustle and less flow, that’s just not my style.  I see motivational speaking as a way to hype people up and I’ve never viewed myself that way.  This is not at all disrespectful to those that have chosen that tagline for their career choice.  In fact, I know quite a few that I respectfully adore!

I see myself more as a cheerleader.  Someone that encourages others to look within to find their true light and let it shine with all of their might.  I believe we all have that light within, just sometimes life dims it with self-doubt and disappointment.

I hope to stir your soul while I’m on this planet and remind you who God is and how life without HIM is pretty bleak and hopeless.

God never said this life would be easy, and in fact right from the very beginning in the book of Genesis, life is a bit messy.  The bible never displays that this life will be like a fairy tale, but God DOES promise to love us unconditionally and to never leave our side, in the good times or the bad.

To my friends and fans that voted for 

this people’s choice award, I thank you.

When they called my name that evening, and I accepted my award, my heart filled with pride as my daughter watched from the audience.  I knew in that moment that she was proud of her mom and I pray that I always display loving kindness and class in everything I do going forward as my past wasn’t always so squeaky clean.

My dear friends, I hope to motivate you, educate you and inspire you to live your best life, because YOU ARE WORTHY!

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways Acknowledge HIM and He shall direct thy paths.

Only God knows which way you should go… listen to that inner voice and allow HIM to show you the way to greener pastures.  He only has YOUR best interest at heart!

Thank you again!

Karie Millspaugh

Public Speaker, Author and President of Publicity Creations by Design & 5 Star Keynote Speakers


Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh, a seasoned pro with a knack for business strategy, executive leadership, communications, PR, and digital marketing. As the visionary force behind Leadership Solutions by Design, a premier coaching and training agency, she lends her strategic acumen to executives from major tech giants like Microsoft, as well as to nimble startups and medium-sized enterprises alike.


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