Are you a conscious eater?
Are you a conscious eater?
What you eat shows how little or how much you love yourself.
Why do you eat? Im sure youre wondering why I would ask something so silly. Well… because I need to eat order to live, you silly blonde So I dont starve to death? Duh!
I ask this seriously… Do you really eat to live? Thats the tough question I have for you.
If we only ate to survive, thrive and feel alive we would never drive through a fast food chain. We would never order a giant pizza with dripping cheese and grease again am I right? So there are many other reasons why we eat as well. I want you to see which category you fall into below and I want to raise your level of awareness of what you put in your mouth daily.
Before I explain the categorys let me back up for a minute. I didnt go from a size 12/14 to a 6 because I went to the gym more. It started with being more aware of the foods we eat and why we eat them. I had to first fall in love with myself again and raise my standards of how I treat my health and body. Loving yourself has to be the core change in your life FIRST before you can attract your ideal partner, grab onto your dream career or experience thriving health. If you wait to love yourself AFTER you get thin, have an awesome career or the partner of your dreams, youve missed it. It must come first or you are just trying to fill a void.
You MUST love yourself first. When you do you will second guess giving your body toxic chemicals, heart scarring ingredients and fat that will stick to your midsection like glue.
If you need to start with ground zero with self -love. Hire a coach to help you see your blind spots on what is really going on with your life. Then work outward.
Ok, back to foods read through these 5 basic categories and see which one describes your eating habits best.
Category 1) Food makes me feel good. I eat because I draw comfort from it and enjoy the taste. After a long day I treat myself to whatever I can find to make me feel satisfied. I do not think about the fat grams, calories or the ingredients of what Im ingesting. Afterall, you only live once, right?
Category 2) I rarely eat unless I have jabbing hunger pains. I’m just too busy… I will eat if Im invited out for a social function but only because I want to be with my friends. I usually work long hours without taking a break, then I grab what I can when I start to feel light headed. Sometimes its not the best choices but at least its something. I just don’t have the time, I work long hours and have a family to raise.
Category 3) Food is my fuel, without it I will run out of gas (energy). I never miss a meal and I have a strict routine of when I eat. My whole life revolves around this schedule. If I miss a meal Im grumpy and my blood sugar drops. I care about the quality of what I eat to an extent, unless Im hungry enough to grab whatever is easiest. Sometimes its not the wisest choices, yet I try to plan ahead for healthier meals.
Category 4) Food is medicine. I see food as my main source of amazing health. I see food and gain its nutritional value before it enters my mouth. I have taken the time to educate myself on the many health benefits that each item can give me. I try to eat a rainbow of healthy colors as well as research foods with harmful ingredients. When I start to feel any symptoms of illness I know which foods to eat to increase my immunity. When I am diagnosed with any illness I research natural cures over filling a prescription from my doctor.
Category 5) Food is my enemy. I see it as a substance that will make me fat. I freak out about my calorie intake daily. I write down everything I eat or at least try to mentally calculate each bite. I know that if Ive had a big breakfast I will not eat for the rest of the day. I obsess about my weight and weigh myself multiple times a day. I will do whatever it takes to stay slim.
Ok guys which category best describes you? You may be a combination of all 5. I went from Category 5, from somewhat anerexic to category 1, an emotional eater that stuffed her face with whatever junk I could find. I am now in category 4 a conscious educated eater. I do not live 100% clean with my food choices. I am far from perfect. I have chosen to love myself enough to research foods that I eat often and to fill in the gaps of my diet with whole food supplements, smoothies and other great ways to increase your nutrition intake. It had to start with loving myself enough to say no to foods that taste great but would have a drastic effect on my overall health.
Did you know that your diet will effect your mood, energy, hormone levels, mind, looks and overall attitude? I would experiment on myself some days. Eating mostly raw fruits and vegetables one day along with an exercise routine and I was UNSTOPPABLE
my mind was clear, I was insanely energetic cleaning my entire home and working on my business. I felt alive and my level of vibration was off the charts. Then I would have a day of pizza, fast food and soda
YUCK! All I wanted to do was nap on the couch all day, very unmotivated and annoyed with anyone that WAS motivated that day. What a grouch, who wants to be around a grumpy person?
So friends I encourage you to find the category that youre in. If youre doing an amazing job already with your conscious eating, share this article with a friend. If you need some help with this area, Im just a comment, email or phone call away. I would love to help you start where I did and grow into an amazing body that you love as well as an energetic lifestyle. Its truly feeling ALIVE and we all deserve that!
Start with square one loving yourself enough to make some necessary changes in your life.
Feel free to ask me a question below in our comments… I would love to hear your feedback, afterall… I wrote this article with YOUR health in mind…
All my love to you!
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach