Self Confidence…do you have it?
Self Confidence …. do you have it?
Have you ever noticed a man or a woman that regardless of their looks, they grab your attention for some reason. Maybe its their energy or the way they walk but they command attention. I dont mean DEMAND attention like someone with bright green hair but command it as they are very clear on who they are and why they are present.
I love these types of evolved people. They are fun to talk to, learn from and engage with.
This is a person that is living life ON PURPOSE.
This my friend is called confidence. Body language is so easy to read. You know when someone is standing in their power and owning who they are verses someone who looks very uncomfortable in their own skin. Sometimes that confidence comes with age but most times it comes in truly knowing who you are knowing oneself.
How much time have you allowed yourself to truly get to know YOU? Are you running from that inner voice by staying so BUSY with meaningless projects that is keeping you from avoiding alone time?
What are you so afraid of? Finding out the truth? Trust me
its ok to look in the mirror once in awhile, you just may fall in love with yourself all over again.
You are a unique and rare breed one to be treasured and appreciated.
Ive been on an interesting journey for the past 6 years. Ive read books, taken classes, and have hired coaches on personal development. I believe that in order to truly help others you first need to understand yourself. The more I learn how Im wired, the better I can relate and TOLERATE others that are nothing like myself. I say that will a heart full of love. I have been blessed with one brother and hes the exact polar opposite of me. I mean OPPOSITE Im the type to open a box with an object that needs assembling while Im putting it together and have it completed hes STILL reading the directions or manual Ive gotten the item together while hes still on page 5 He loves details and I avoid them at all costs. I like to jump heart first into my passions he likes to assess the situation and stay on the river bank of life while the river flows by.
Here is a picture of us from last summer: Hes coming to see me for a 2 week visit over the Thanksgiving Holiday. I’m really looking forward to some family time! What is interesting is that we get along really well. He fills in the gaps of where Im weakest and vice versus. Thank goodness we are all not wired the same
life would be boring.
We are all uniquely wired with special gifts that are important for this world to function properly.
Some of us love to dig into the details, while some of us are often careless with details. Some of us shine in front of an audience while others want to hide under the chair IN the audience. (BIG SMILE)
I love people we are interesting characters and the more I study human behavior the more I love PEOPLE!
If youve never taken a profile assessment before, I encourage you to take one now. I have all of my clients take one prior to coaching with me. It gives me insight on how they are wired so that we can start off on the right foot with my coaching style.
This is where confidence starts if you want to start feeling more comfortable in your own skin. First learn what that skin looks like see where your strengths and weaknesses are and accept yourself.
You may notice that you might have chosen a career that is not where your strengths are. So you are consistently trying to be something youre not
No wonder you dread going to work everyday. You need to make a career choice based on your strengths, not income potential or job demand. You need to do what you love and are naturally good at, so you excel everyday and shine being who you were meant to be!
Lets grow your confidence in WHO you are first before we tackle the outer appearance and improving your skills. Then watch your confidence grow as you walk with your head held high knowing in your heart who you are and what gifts you have to offer this world.
Peace, love and happiness!
Karie Millspaugh
Your Wellness Coach
Here are a few links that I recommend:
The DiSC is my favorite-and the most detailed- and even better, its FREE by Tony Robbins for a short time!!
Im most skilled with the DiSC profile.
Please feel free to ask me questions