Help! I’m Stuck!
Help Im stuck!
Have you ever caught yourself freezing up right before tackling something big? Maybe its a large purchase such as a business, a home or even a new car. Perhaps its a commitment with a serious relationship. Do you see yourself hesitating and going into a deep analytical mindset to the point that youre hunting for red flags so you have an excuse to not move forward?
Do you have any idea that youre in self-sabotage mode at that point and may never move forward at all? Is that how you want your life to roll out? In limbo mode stuck in quicksand?
Let me explain where my head is as Im writing this.
I was hiking on Saturday with one of my best friends, Janel. We were chatting as us girls do
catching up about our past week. Meanwhile we were scrambling up the deserts massive Red Rocks without much thought with ease and grace. We had to pause because a group of 3 women were ahead of us and they were having a harder time scrambling up. One in particular was second-guessing her ability. She didnt appear to be out of shape and her tennis shoes seemed safe enough for that type of a rock climb
yet she didnt believe in herself. She let us go ahead of her
naturally my mind started going off into a philosophical state where we do this so much in life. Even an experienced hiker like myself will freeze in motion when I think I cant handle a particular rock scramble, IF I stop and over-analyze but if I focus on the desired outcome I dont have any challenges at all. The brief moment that it takes to guess where your next step should be is practical
coming to a FULL STOP and letting your mind get carried away on the what ifs is sabotaging all movement of going forward.
This, my friend is blocking the natural flow of energy. We do this often when we let FEAR take over. Im guilty of putting a stop on certain areas and projects of my business because I feel that all the boxes should be checked off and funding organized into the marketing category
meanwhile, my deadlines are falling behind and Im not hitting my desired outcome. The important part is to stop second- guessing yourself and just keep taking steps forward. Even if they are baby steps, its still action and natural flow.
Im guilty of doing this with relationships too…
I have been that red flag hunter at times when I should just let my heart lead the way instead of fear consuming me. I have a lot of regret around this area of my life.
Have you had a moment in your life where you stepped out in faith and everything fell into place?
When I first took my business from a local market to an online global audience I knew I needed the help of a virtual assistant. I wasn’t sure where the extra funding would come from to pay her and I let resistance, fear and over analyzing behavior slow down the growth of my business.
The day I hired her… money showed up from multiple places, one being from a mortgage settlement from 7 years ago! That check showing up in my mailbox was completely unexpected!
The trick to the process is to step out in faith and let the universe and flow of energy carry you glide through life and STOP second-guessing every step.
I am not just a Wellness Coach. I coach potential candidates into being business coaches at a global level. I get asked often what determines a coaches success in business? Well
it boils down to one major component, their mindset. The world is full of systems, tools, successful ladders to climb but if you dont have the courage or self confidence to climb the ladder, then whats the point? There are those that run up the ladder and there are those that second guess each step and often times go back down a few steps due to not having a strong mind.
So which category do you fall into? Do you over-think your life, your career, your relationships, do you find yourself stuck in lifes quicksand? What would shift if you just stepped forward and were BRAVE? Isnt it fascinating that the only person getting in the way of you and your desires is really
just YOU. Stop and think about that
and how you can start to take those baby steps out of courage towards your hearts desire
I will always recommend hiring a coach to pin point these areas where youre going into self-sabotage mode. An EDUCATED outside perspective from a coach is going to give you the best ROI on your time and money.
Cmon its a New Year time to hit those goals that youve placed on a shelf for a later day hey that day may never come so LETS GET GOING!
Yours in Abundance,
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach