Seriously though…
If ONE MORE PERSON tells me that Im so strong Im gonna SCREEEEAM!!!
thats how I truly feel. For some reason when I hear that something snaps inside of me and I want to lash out. I know they mean well and think they are complimenting me
when instead it feels like a pat on the head
good job girl
youre doing so well considering your circumstances.
As I contemplated this the other day I was wondering why that triggers me so strongly.
My conclusion is that I want to respond
DO I HAVE A CHOICE?! I look left
I look right, no one here but me to make shit happen every day so here goes nothing.
Im a single mom and an entrepreneur and I do not, I repeat DO NOT get outside support from my ex-husband or family financially. I take care of myself and my daughter the best way I know how to create love, harmony and balance to our life.
So No
Im not strong
I just CHOOSE to look at life differently. Instead of feeling like the whole world is against me or that life is so unfair I see opportunities to improve our life and the life of others every day. Instead of feeling incomplete because I dont have a partner right now I see it as an opportunity to dive into my own self growth and maturity.
That is the difference between an Amateur and a Pro. A pro sees a way to create what they want from life instead of excuses or blame.
the truth is that Im VERY, VERY fragile
as in sensitive
the first one to get emotional and sob with a best friend over their loss. I am very intuitive so I FEEL everything which can inhibit my own strength at times if I can feel someone elses pain or stress.
Sometimes the stress Im carrying that day could be someone elses altogether so I have to really shield myself from my clients thoughts and those around me.
So my friend
Im the opposite of strong, in fact the shell you see around me is to protect my loving and fragile self underneath. But I can see how that may be portrayed as strength
when in fact
what I REALLY am is, loving, friendly, careful, cautious, faithful, consistent, committed, loyal, intuitive, visionary and trustworthy.
I have the same life battles that you do. I have the same bad days, the same fears, lack of confidence and insecurities.
The SECRET that lies within me that makes me appear strong is my wisdom to CHOOSE a stronger mindset.
I CHOOSE to trust myself and the outcome. I CHOOSE to find a brighter day, path, go inward when things arent working and OWNING it so I can learn and move forward.
So thank you for saying that Im strong
but deep down
Im a pile of loving mush in what appears to be a made out of steel package.
So allow me to share my secrets with you
I truly believe in my heart that I AM POWERFUL! I am a LEADER I AM STRONG! Therefore the outcome you see, is my personal beliefs shining outward.
Here are 5 little tips that I use to keep a STRONG healthy MINDSET:
1) When fear shows up. Remember that is the dark side of life that is wanting you to PLAY SMALL this is your ego trying to protect you when in fact it can also hold you back. Breathe deeply and embrace faith that everything will work out as its meant to.
2) When someone rejects you. Thank the universe for deselecting and disqualifying that person from your life. They may have been a very toxic relationship and your higher self was looking out for you!
3) Financial troubles. Be open to creating wealth, stronger finances whisper wealth and prosperity to yourself over and over again especially before you fall asleep. A lot of the time we push away money thinking it can only come into our possession looking a certain way. Example your job, maybe you feel that is the only way for money to show up. With that belief you are pushing away other possibilities for streams of income be open and ready to receive.
4) Fear of loss this is also the universe clearing out whatever no longer serves you to create room for something better, greater
5) Never I repeat ever compare yourself to others. First and foremost there is only one YOU, so whats the point? The best thing you can do for yourself is work on being a better version of YOU!
Much love and happiness to you!
Karie Millspaugh
Business and Lifestyle Coach