Leading with Purpose

Published by Karie Millspaugh on

Leading with Purpose: Insights from Karie Millspaugh

A Candid Behind-the-Scenes Look at Coaching with Karie: Your Sneak Peek into Transformational Leadership

1. How long have you been coaching in business and leadership?

I’ve always been seen as a leader, even from a young age, influencing and guiding others in my neighborhood. My formal coaching journey began in 2010 when my daughter was just 10 months old. I started with wellness coaching, taking online courses to earn my holistic nutrition certification. Over time, my passion evolved into business coaching after spending five years working with a global business coaching company. Since 2013, I’ve coached business owners, leaders, and executives, and it’s something I will always continue, whether as a full-time career or a part-time endeavor.

2. How do you assess a client’s leadership strengths and areas for development?

I utilize a customized 27-question assessment for each client, which includes a series of in-depth questions, behavioral style evaluations, and a personality assessment. I am certified in administering the DiSC assessment and also incorporate the CliftonStrengths assessment. Additionally, I conduct a private one-on-one consultation to gain insights into the client’s current career trajectory and past experiences.

3. Can you describe your experience coaching leaders remotely?

I have been coaching virtually for over a decade, starting in 2014 with business owners and startups worldwide and then evolving into leadership and executive coaching in 2017. Remote coaching has allowed me to work with clients across multiple time zones in over 11 countries, and I’ve found this approach to be highly effective. Some of my clients have collaborated with me for as long as five years, and despite never meeting in person, we’ve built strong, lasting relationships. While in-person connections are invaluable, video calls and creating a safe, supportive environment for my clients have proven to be a highly effective alternative.

4. How do you tailor your coaching strategies to different leadership styles?

I tailor my coaching strategies to each leader by first understanding their unique leadership style, strengths, and challenges. Through assessments like the DiSC and CliftonStrengths, I gain insights into their natural tendencies, communication preferences, and decision-making approaches. I then customize my coaching approach to align with these insights, whether it is focusing on enhancing emotional intelligence, improving team dynamics, or refining strategic vision.

I also take time to understand their goals and organizational culture, as leadership is never one-size-fits-all. For example, with more directive leaders, I may focus on delegating effectively while maintaining authority. For collaborative leaders, I might help them hone their influence without losing their sense of partnership. Additionally, regular one-on-one check-ins and open communication ensure my coaching evolves as their needs and challenges shift. This personalized approach fosters growth and helps them lead authentically and effectively.

5. What techniques do you use to foster leadership growth in a virtual environment?

In a virtual environment, I focus on creating a structured yet flexible approach to foster leadership growth. I use several key techniques:

  • Customized Assessments: I begin with tools like the DiSC and CliftonStrengths assessments to understand a leader’s behavioral tendencies and strengths. This provides a foundation for creating a personalized development plan that aligns with their leadership style and goals.
  • One-on-One Coaching Sessions: I prioritize regular, focused video calls that allow for deep, uninterrupted discussions. These sessions provide a safe space for leaders to reflect on their challenges, set goals, and receive tailored feedback.
  • Real-Time Problem Solving: I collaborate closely with leaders on their current issues and decisions, offering strategies they can apply immediately. This hands-on approach allows them to develop skills in real-world scenarios while receiving guidance.
  • Accountability and Reflection: I encourage consistent reflection on their progress and challenges, helping leaders stay accountable to their goals. Virtual tools like shared documents or project management apps help track their growth and milestones.
    • When coaching Microsoft executives, I leverage Microsoft 365 tools to streamline collaboration, enhance productivity, and track progress. Tools such as Teams, SharePoint, OneNote, and Planner allow for seamless communication, document sharing, and real-time updates on leadership development goals. These tools also provide a central hub for tracking milestones, facilitating feedback, and enabling ongoing reflection, which is essential in fostering leadership growth.
    • In addition to leveraging Microsoft 365 tools, I also developed custom data analysis tools using Excel to track dashboards of progress for regional sales teams. These dashboards provided real-time insights into key performance metrics, allowing executives to make informed decisions and adjust strategies as needed. By using advanced Excel functionalities like pivot tables and data visualization, I ensured that progress tracking was both clear and actionable, enhancing overall team performance and alignment with business goals.
  • Leadership Development Exercises: During virtual coaching sessions, I incorporate role-playing and scenario-based exercises to simulate real-world leadership challenges. These activities help leaders refine their communication, decision-making, and conflict resolution skills in a virtual setting. Additionally, I have led virtual offsites, designed team engagement games to strengthen collaboration, and facilitated interactive workshops. These experiences foster teamwork and enhance leaders’ ability to navigate complex dynamics in remote environments, ensuring their growth and adaptability in virtual leadership.
  • Fostering Connection and Engagement: Despite the virtual setting, I prioritize building trust and rapport, ensuring leaders feel supported and connected. I create an open, collaborative space that mirrors the depth of in-person relationships, allowing leaders to thrive and grow. Many of my clients feel like family, as I take the time to learn about their personal lives, from their children and partners to their upcoming vacations. In return, I share aspects of my own life, fostering a genuine connection that goes beyond professional development and creates a solid foundation for long-term growth.

These strategies ensure that leadership development is personalized, actionable, and adaptable to the unique demands of a virtual environment.

6. How do you build trust and rapport with clients when working remotely?

I have a reputation for establishing rapport quickly with clients, which has allowed me to cultivate lifelong relationships across the globe. In a remote setting, I build trust by fostering relatability through shared interests and experiences. I actively seek common ground, whether it is discussing professional challenges, personal hobbies, or current adventures in life. By openly sharing my own experiences, I create an authentic atmosphere that encourages clients to express their thoughts and feelings. This approach not only strengthens our connection but also fosters a supportive environment where clients feel comfortable exploring their goals and aspirations.

7. How do you help leaders handle challenges such as managing remote teams?

I help leaders manage challenges associated with remote teams by providing tailored strategies and tools that promote effective communication, collaboration, and engagement. First, I focus on enhancing their understanding of the unique dynamics of remote work, helping them recognize the importance of clear expectations and regular check-ins.

I introduce effective communication tools and techniques, such as setting up structured team meetings with agendas, utilizing collaboration platforms, and fostering an open feedback culture. By encouraging leaders to leverage technology, I ensure they can maintain strong connections with their teams, regardless of geographical distances.

Additionally, I guide leaders in developing emotional intelligence and active listening skills to better understand their team’s needs and concerns. This approach helps them create a supportive environment that prioritizes mental well-being and team cohesion.

I have established monthly calls within Microsoft where team leaders actively listen to their teams during open Q&A sessions. These meetings serve as a platform for team members to voice their thoughts and concerns, fostering an environment where they feel heard and valued. I ensure that meeting notes and action items are captured, allowing for accountability and follow-up on key discussions. This approach not only enhances communication but also strengthens team cohesion by demonstrating that leadership is genuinely invested in their team’s feedback and well-being.

I also encourage leaders to implement team-building activities and recognition practices, which are crucial for maintaining motivation and engagement in a virtual setting. By equipping leaders with these strategies, I empower them to navigate the complexities of managing remote teams effectively, ensuring productivity and fostering a positive team culture.

For one team leader, I established optional 30-minute coffee chats to discuss non-work-related topics, mimicking the informal “water cooler” conversations typically found in in-person offices. These sessions provided a valuable opportunity for team members to take a mental break and foster personal connections with one another. By encouraging open dialogue in a relaxed setting, we were able to strengthen team bonds and enhance overall morale, making the remote work environment feel more connected and engaging.

8. What leadership development frameworks or models do you find most effective?

I find several leadership development frameworks and models to be particularly effective, each serving different contexts and objectives:

  • The 70-20-10 Model: This framework emphasizes that 70% of learning comes from experiential activities, 20% from social interactions, and 10% from formal education. I incorporate this model by encouraging leaders to engage in on-the-job experiences, seek feedback from peers, and participate in structured training programs.

I also recommend self-help books for leaders to complement their development journey. Some of my favorites include:

  • “Leaders Eat Last” by Simon Sinek: This book explores the importance of creating a safe and trusting environment for teams, emphasizing that great leaders prioritize their team’s well-being.
  • “Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown: In this book, Brown discusses the power of vulnerability in leadership and offers practical strategies for fostering courage, connection, and resilience within teams.
  • “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey: This classic provides a comprehensive framework for personal and professional effectiveness, focusing on principles that help leaders align their actions with their values.
  • “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel H. Pink: Pink delves into the science of motivation, offering insights on how leaders can inspire and engage their teams by fostering autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
  • “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck: This book introduces the concept of a growth mindset, highlighting how embracing challenges and learning from failures can lead to greater success.
  • “Radical Candor” by Kim Scott: Scott provides a guide to effective communication in the workplace, emphasizing the importance of caring personally while challenging directly to build strong relationships.

These books not only offer valuable insights and strategies but also encourage leaders to reflect on their practices and continuously evolve in their roles.

  • Transformational Leadership: This model focuses on inspiring and motivating teams to achieve exceptional outcomes through vision, passion, and individualized consideration. I use this approach to help leaders cultivate their ability to inspire their teams and drive change within their organizations.
  • Situational Leadership: This model emphasizes adapting leadership styles based on the readiness and maturity of team members. I guide leaders in assessing their team’s needs and adjusting their approach, accordingly, fostering a more responsive and effective leadership style.
  • The GROW Model: This coaching framework—Goal, Reality, Options, Will—helps leaders set clear objectives and develop actionable plans. I apply this model to facilitate focused coaching sessions, guiding leaders through goal-setting and problem-solving processes.
  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) Framework: Understanding and managing emotions is crucial for effective leadership. I integrate EI principles to help leaders enhance their self-awareness, empathy, and people skills, enabling them to connect more deeply with their teams.
  • Strengths-Based Development: This model encourages leaders to leverage their strengths while addressing areas for improvement. By using tools like CliftonStrengths, I help leaders identify their unique talents and align their development efforts accordingly.

These frameworks provide a structured yet flexible approach to leadership development, allowing me to customize my coaching based on individual leaders’ needs and organizational contexts.

9. How do you manage confidentiality and sensitive information in a coaching relationship?

I manage confidentiality and sensitive information in a coaching relationship by creating an environment of trust and safety. I encourage one-on-one calls as often as possible, ensuring that these discussions take place in a confidential setting where clients feel comfortable sharing openly. By leading from a place of vulnerability myself, I model the behavior I wish to see, which often encourages clients to embrace their own vulnerability.

I clearly communicate the importance of confidentiality at the outset of our coaching relationship and outline how we will handle sensitive information. This includes setting boundaries around what can and cannot be shared outside our sessions. By fostering this open, safe space, I enable clients to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or breach of trust, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of our coaching partnership.

To increase trust, we may outline confidentiality and sensitive information management in our working contract agreement. This formalizes our commitment to maintaining privacy and establishes clear expectations regarding the handling of sensitive topics. By including these provisions, clients can feel more secure in sharing openly, knowing that their information will be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality. This proactive approach not only reinforces trust but also strengthens the coaching relationship, allowing for deeper and more meaningful conversations.

10. What tools do you use to track progress and outcomes in leadership coaching?

To track progress and outcomes in leadership coaching, I utilize a combination of tools and methodologies that provide both quantitative and qualitative insights:

  • Goal Setting Frameworks: I employ frameworks like SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to help leaders establish clear objectives. This allows us to define success criteria and track progress effectively.
  • Progress Dashboards: I create customized dashboards using tools like Excel or Microsoft Power BI to visualize key performance indicators (KPIs) and milestones. This enables both me and my clients to monitor their development in real time.
  • Regular Check-ins: Scheduled one-on-one sessions provide an opportunity to discuss progress, reflect on challenges, and adjust goals as necessary. These conversations help gauge the effectiveness of our strategies and foster accountability.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: I incorporate 360-degree feedback tools to gather insights from peers, team members, and supervisors. This comprehensive feedback provides a well-rounded view of a leader’s impact and areas for improvement.
  • Self-Assessment Tools: I encourage leaders to use self-assessment questionnaires, such as those based on emotional intelligence or leadership competencies. This promotes self-reflection and helps track personal growth over time.
  • Action Plans: I work with leaders to develop actionable plans during our sessions, outlining specific steps they will take to achieve their goals. We regularly review these plans to assess progress and make adjustments as needed.
  • Follow-Up Surveys: After completing specific coaching modules or goals, I administer surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of the coaching process and gather feedback on areas for improvement.

Additionally, I am open to exploring software tools that the client is most comfortable with and has access to. This flexibility ensures that the tracking process aligns with their preferences and enhances their overall coaching experience. By combining these tools, I ensure a comprehensive approach to tracking progress and outcomes, enabling leaders to visualize their growth and make informed decisions about their development paths.

11. How do you approach coaching a leader who is resistant to change or feedback?

When coaching a leader who is resistant to change or feedback, I take a compassionate and strategic approach. I frequently remind them of their end goals to help maintain focus on what they want to achieve. Sharing my own experiences of resistance and how I have held myself back due to self-sabotaging behaviors often resonates with clients, as it humanizes the process and illustrates that they are not alone in their struggles.

Additionally, I may share an inspirational story of a past anonymous client who faced similar challenges. This storytelling approach helps to create a connection and demonstrates that change is possible. By framing the conversation around personal growth and the potential for transformation, I aim to foster a mindset shift that encourages openness to feedback and new perspectives. This supportive environment allows leaders to feel safe exploring their resistance and ultimately empowers them to embrace change.

12. How do you keep your leadership coaching techniques up to date with current trends?

To keep my leadership coaching techniques up to date with current trends, I actively engage in continuous learning and professional development.

Here are some of the key strategies I employ:

  • Ongoing Education: I regularly participate in workshops, webinars, and training sessions focused on the latest trends in leadership, coaching methodologies, and psychological insights. This allows me to refine my skills and incorporate new approaches into my coaching practice.
  • Industry Research: I stay informed about emerging research and best practices by reading industry publications, academic journals, and books written by thought leaders in the coaching and leadership fields. This helps me integrate evidence-based strategies into my work.
  • Networking and Collaboration: I maintain connections with fellow coaches and industry professionals through networking events, online forums, and professional organizations. Engaging with peers provides opportunities to share experiences, gain insights, and learn about innovative practices.
  • Client Feedback: I actively seek feedback from my clients regarding the effectiveness of my coaching techniques and their relevance to current challenges they face. This input allows me to adapt my methods to better meet their needs and align with contemporary issues in leadership.
  • Utilizing Technology: I explore and adopt new technologies and tools that enhance the coaching experience, such as virtual collaboration platforms and data analytics tools. Staying current with tech trends enables me to offer more effective coaching solutions in a digital environment.
  • Trends in Diversity and Inclusion: I prioritize learning about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) trends to ensure my coaching practices support leaders in fostering inclusive environments and addressing systemic issues within their organizations.

By actively engaging in these practices, I ensure that my coaching techniques remain relevant, effective, and aligned with the evolving landscape of leadership development. This commitment to ongoing growth enables me to provide the highest level of support to my clients.

13. How do you measure the success and impact of your coaching on leadership performance?

Measuring the success and impact of my coaching on leadership performance involves a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to provide a comprehensive view of progress. Here are the key approaches I use:

  • Goal Achievement: At the beginning of our coaching relationship, we establish specific, measurable goals using frameworks like SMART goals. I track progress against these goals through regular check-ins and assessments, allowing us to quantify achievements over time.
  • 360-Degree Feedback: I incorporate 360-degree feedback assessments, gathering insights from peers, team members, and supervisors. This multi-source feedback provides a well-rounded perspective on the leader’s performance, highlighting areas of improvement and demonstrating growth.
  • Self-Assessment Tools: I encourage leaders to complete self-assessments related to their leadership competencies, emotional intelligence, and other relevant skills. By comparing these assessments over time, we can identify shifts in self-perception and areas of development.
  • Performance Metrics: I work with clients to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to their roles and responsibilities. We monitor these metrics throughout the coaching process to evaluate the impact of our work on their overall performance and contributions to the organization.
  • Regular Progress Reviews: Scheduled one-on-one sessions allow for in-depth discussions about the leader’s experiences, challenges, and successes. These reflective conversations provide qualitative insights into their growth and the effectiveness of coaching strategies.
  • Action Plans and Accountability: We create actionable plans during our sessions, outlining specific steps the leader will take to achieve their goals. Regularly reviewing these plans helps maintain accountability and assess whether the strategies implemented have led to positive changes.
  • Client Feedback and Satisfaction Surveys: I solicit feedback from clients on their coaching experience, including perceived value and satisfaction. This feedback helps me refine my approach and ensure that the coaching process meets their needs effectively.

By integrating these methods, I can accurately measure the success and impact of my coaching on leadership performance, demonstrating the value of the coaching relationship and its contributions to the leader’s development.

14. What is your method for ensuring accountability in a remote coaching setting?

Ensuring accountability in a remote coaching setting is essential for fostering progress and maintaining motivation. Here are the key methods I use to achieve this:

  • Clear Goal Setting: At the outset of our coaching relationship, I work with leaders to establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This clarity provides a roadmap for our sessions and sets clear expectations for accountability.
  • Regular Check-Ins: I schedule consistent one-on-one sessions to review progress on established goals. These check-ins provide an opportunity to discuss successes, challenges, and any necessary adjustments to the coaching plan.
  • Action Plans: During our coaching sessions, I help leaders create actionable plans outlining the specific steps they will take to achieve their goals. These plans serve as a reference point for both the leader and me, ensuring accountability for the actions they commit to.
  • Progress Tracking Tools: I utilize progress tracking tools, such as dashboards or shared documents, to monitor milestones and key performance indicators (KPIs). This visual representation of progress allows both of us to see how far they have come and what still needs attention.
  • Feedback Loops: I encourage leaders to seek feedback from their teams or peers regarding their development and actions taken. This external feedback reinforces accountability, as it highlights how their progress affects others in their organization.
  • Open Communication: I foster an environment of open communication where leaders feel comfortable discussing challenges and setbacks. This transparency helps to address any issues that may arise, reinforcing their commitment to the coaching process.
  • Celebrating Milestones: I make it a point to acknowledge and celebrate milestones and achievements, no matter how small. Recognizing progress boosts motivation and reinforces the importance of accountability in the coaching journey.
  • Utilizing Technology: I leverage technology tools for reminders and updates, such as calendar notifications or project management apps, to keep leaders on track with their commitments and deadlines.

By employing these methods, I create a structured and supportive environment that fosters accountability, empowering leaders to take ownership of their development and stay committed to their coaching journey.

15. Any final thoughts for our audience today?

As you’ve seen throughout this conversation, my approach to executive coaching is built on a foundation of tailored strategies, deep personal insight, and a commitment to driving measurable results. I understand the complexities of leadership in today’s corporate world and have a proven track record of helping leaders excel under pressure, navigate challenges, and build teams that thrive. Whether it’s improving communication, boosting team morale, or creating long-term performance strategies, I am here to guide you through it all.

If you’re ready to elevate your leadership journey, now is the perfect time to take action. Let’s partner together to unlock your full potential and lead with confidence, clarity, and purpose. Contact me today to schedule a free consultation and see how we can transform your leadership approach and, ultimately, your organization’s success.


Categories: Blog

Karie Millspaugh

Karie Millspaugh, a seasoned pro with a knack for business strategy, executive leadership, communications, PR, and digital marketing. As the visionary force behind Leadership Solutions by Design, a premier coaching and training agency, she lends her strategic acumen to executives from major tech giants like Microsoft, as well as to nimble startups and medium-sized enterprises alike.


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