New Years Resolutions…why they don’t stick?
New Years Resolutions, why do we forget all about them by March?
Do you remember your 2013 resolutions? Are you having a hard time remembering them like I am?
As I was writing down my goals for 2014 I started to reflect on 2013 at what I had accomplished, yet still not quite remembering what they were. My heart began to pound as I realized how much self- growth I had accomplished over the past months. Little did I know that being angry and VERY unsatisfied with my lack of progress in certain areas of my life would be enough to propel me forward to making some serious changes.
It first starts with owning up to the fact that you are …where you are… due to the choices you have made. If you are stuck, its because youve CHOSEN to stay there. Everything in life is about a series of choices.
As I sat at my kitchen table with wonderful cinnamon candles lit all around me writing out my 2014 goals, I started to reflect over the past year . I will admit, Im patting myself on the back:
My New Year started with an amazing conference filled with business coaches in January. One of our guest speakers was the publisher of Success Magazine, Darren Hardy. If youre unsure of who he is, look him up… I subscribe to his magazine. A very powerful man that doesnt just talk the talk, he walks the walk. I love that about mentors and successful people. Their actions match their words. I bought his new book, The Compound Effect
this started the ball rolling for my GINORMOUS year of Self-Growth and taking ownership in my life.
At the end of January I had the unique offer to go to a leadership boot camp. I wasnt sure what I was going to experience but I was going to be there for 3 days. This boot camp even had you sleeping in bunk beds! I loved it! I was pushed outside my comfort zone, I gained back a lot of confidence that I had allowed others to take away from me over the years. I took back my power, found my unique voice again and decided to stop playing small
A friend of mine also at that time had introduced me to a Life Coach that gave me his outside perspective of my life and picked up on where I was playing small. I had learned that my nature was to hide, or down play my confidence and intellect so that others wouldnt feel uncomfortable around me. How silly is that? What good am I doing if Im not being the true Karie that God designed? My mission is to guide other women to their dreams and goals, not worry about being liked. That wonderful coach planted the seed and my actions combined by motivation watered and nurtured that seed as I slowly blossomed into a more confident woman that is leading others like never before!
February I hired a business coach! Smartest thing I had ever done, hands down! Ive always had coaches and trainers, for the gym, life and personal weight-loss goals but I hadnt hired a business coach yet for my wellness practice. It was time to play BIG and that was the first step. My business has sky rocketed, I have clients in all parts of the world and I will never doubt myself and play small ever again.
So needless to say in 2 short months of making some serious decisions my life started to evolve from those special wishes in your heart that we call resolutions. As women we hold these dreams and wishes near and dear to us. Why not share them with someone that can get you there? Us women thrive in a trusted group environment where you can share your fears and celebrate your wins!
So for 2014 Ive created a special and unique group-coaching program just for women. Think of this as our own biggest loser show, minus the TV cameras
We will meet three times a month for skill building calls where you can ask me questions about your weight-loss goals and encourage one another as we explore strategies that work best for you. Dont worry, you will still get a number of private sessions with me as well. In our closed Facebook group we post recipe ideas, pictures of our weight-loss progress along with an opportunity to connect with me 24/7 with support. So you see
when you decide its time to get a mentor to guide you strategically toward your goal AND be your cheerleader at the same time its no longer just a wish in your heart. Its now a game plan strategy.
The only way your dreams will come true is with this strategy:
Dream > Plan > Goal > Action
Sadly some of us stay on the Dream portion and waste their life away hoping they will come true. Thats when resolutions dont stick my friends. We need someone to hold us accountable to hitting our goals.
What if I can SHOW you the way? Will you take it? Will you walk down that path if you know for certain that Im right by your side and will help you avoid unnecessary mistakes of self-sabotage and help you break through resistance? Ive seen amazing success with my clients and Im confident I can do the same for you
Before we go down the path to creating your life goals and game plan. Be sure youre WHY is strong enough to keep you on course.
Watch my videos here as I explain the formula for change in your life.
If you feel youre dissatisfied enough to propel forward, then youre ready for a coach . Youre ready to step up to the plate and take matters into your own hands and start making better choices.
If you would like to schedule a consultation with me to see if youre a good fit for our 2014 Womens Group Coaching program, you can schedule time with me HERE:
All my love and support,
Karie Millspaugh
Your Wellness Coach/Holistic Nutritionist