Three ways to love your life … RIGHT NOW!
Three ways to love your life
Do you ever find yourself lost in thought about the past or constantly wondering about the future? I do Im 100% guilty of thinking ahead and sometimes sabotaging the very moment Im in RIGHT NOW!
I was laying in bed one morning enjoying the sunlight streaming through the blinds and reminiscing about a summer I had a few years ago that was full of fun and adventure. It was spent primarily with a very special man in my life then sadly during that time I wasnt really ENJOYING the moment. I didnt allow myself to just BE and enjoy the love and partnership that we shared. I kept wanting more, jumping ahead to the future and letting my mind think what if?
I look back now, and realized that I did have it all
we had special and beautiful memories together that will always be burned into my heart for the rest of my life. Why was I not in the PRESENT at that time? Why didnt I allow myself to just BE…with HIM…in that space and time?
Do you find yourself looking back and wishing you could turn back the clock? Maybe its to when you were a few sizes smaller, or your children were younger or when you first met your husband.
I want you to love your past embrace it for what its worth and lessons that you may have learned good or bad and now retrain your mind to just BE in the moment. I know its easier said than done . We busy moms and professionals have a hard time not jumping our thoughts ahead to a busy agenda for the next day. If we do that, we are literally robbing ourselves of an enjoyable moment that you may be having RIGHT NOW!
Ive taught myself to love the moment, enjoy it Ive learned to lay in bed and enjoy the peace and quiet while prayerfully meditating and feeling the softness of my sheets around me. I like sipping my morning coffee or tea and enjoying the warmth as it hits my face. I enjoy hearing my daughters laughter because soon she will be off to college and not under my roof anymore. I enjoy stopping long enough to look at pictures of those I love so deeply it almost hurts as I let my heart fill with joy and appreciation for them being a part of my life
I want you to start to do the same so Ive come up with 3 little tips to stay on course so you can BE in the present moment. After all, Life is meant to be FUN! If youre not having fun youre playing the game wrong!
If your agenda for tomorrow is INSANE and you know you will feel like you will never be able to catch up do yourself a favor, create a time line calendar with each activity in its allowed time slot. Then ELIMINATE the unnecessary and fill it with FUN! Now I know you need to pick your kids up from school but do you HAVE to cram a million errands before you get them? You know you will be cranky and stressed right before you pick up your “little blessings from heaven”. Im sure they would appreciate a calmer parent welcoming them with a smile after a school day then one that has their hair frazzled and looking wild eyed. So CHOOSE to not create a hectic schedule put off what you can get away with.
2) Fill your life with things you LOVE!
Best example my favorite color that keeps me tranquil and serene is BLUE. I love all shades of blue it reminds me of the water. Im a true beach girl that WILL (I repeat WILL) live on the water someday in a beach house! Keeping these colors around me makes me happy seeing the sun shine through the window and bounce off of my favorite blue colors makes me happy. I enjoy stopping from reading my book and gazing at the beauty Ive created around me. I love a neat and clean home it makes me feel at peace and I ENJOY my home that I have NOW instead of always dreaming of that beach house. Love what you have now and the universe will give you MORE!
3) Take the time to LOOK AMAZING!
When you look great you FEEL GREAT! When you buy a new dress and you cant wait to wear it that day do you notice that you have more pep in your step? You smile more feel sexy and confident. You tend to laugh more also. When you throw your greasy hair into a bun and grab sweatpants to walk out the door in, you dont really have a lot of pep, am I right? Now I know youre not going to wear a dress to the gym, but you can enjoy fun workout clothes. Gym shoes are more colorful then ever these days and can be fun as well! Let your hair down flowing and beautiful let the world see the REAL YOU! Let your natural glow shine and watch how your attitude and love of life begins to form right before you and you start to enjoy BEING in your life now !!
Let me remind you
more good things will come when you appreciate what you have NOW!
Dont look backward with a heavy heart like I did and wish I had enjoyed the moments more
especially when those people arent a part of your life anymore whether its because theyve passed on or have moved away. No more regret
live in the NOW and let you radiant self, BEAM!
All my love!
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach