Are you the victim or victor?
Are you the victim or victor?
Who do you choose to be? Are you the director of your life or are you just an underpaid actor that keeps accepting one lousy role after another?
Are you sick of life events pushing you around, deciding your future for you? The job you have, how you feel in your body, the relationship that you are in or the size of your bank account?
Do you find yourself wondering if it will ever get better? Do you find yourself praying out to God and the Universe
something has to give, please give me a ray of hope?
This article was inspired by some of my recent life events.
In January 2013 I made some serious life changes. I was at the end of my rope
tired of scraping by financially, still in a dead end loveless relationship and not excited about life
at all. My career was going stagnant and I had given up hope.
Lucky for me
I had the opportunity to go to a leadership 3 day course. This was life changing for me. I realized that I had CHOSEN to accept less. My standards were low and my expectations of others were even lower. How sad is that?
? A child of God
a spiritual being, creator of radiant light and energy had chosen to accept less than what the Universe WANTS to grant to me?! Insane!!
You see my friends. You too can stop accepting what is being handed to you and start CHOOSING what you want instead.
So I started with rebuilding my confidence. I knew it was in there somewhere and the leadership course that I had taken helped me tremendously. My past CEO and loveless relationships had tarnished my self-image.
I had forgotten just how truly POWERFUL I am!
Then I discovered I had put my true passion on a shelf for quite some time. I had always loved being the CEO of my own company
and had done it many times before. Why not take my local wellness coaching business onto a global platform? After all my true passion is seeing others have a more abundant lifestyle starting with their health, your true platform to GREATNESS!
I knew in my heart the farther my voice could reach the more I could help. So I hired a coach to help me build my online platform in February 2013
.and now Im coaching people from all parts of the WORLD! Hello universe, let’s check this portion off of my list. I have another stream of income coming into my home and Im living my passion by helping others live a more abundant and healthier lifestyle. SCORE! I’m a happy girl!
Next came my bank account
this one was tough. I reached once again outside of myself to get my beliefs around money under control. I had a few sessions with a coach in this area as well. She worked with me in regards to an old belief of mine that all money came to me with a struggle. Once I worked with her, I acquired over $14,000 in cash within 2 weeks! Money came from areas I had never dreamed of looking
even an old mortgage settlement from 7 years ago!
On to my next project
my love life. I put this one off because it seemed TOO HARD. Career stuff is a piece of cake for me. Im naturally driven and goal orientated
but men are
lets just say
complicated! I left my ex-husband in 2007 after 12 years of a loveless marriage. We were together a total of 19 years
needless to say I have dated A LOT, in hopes to finding a true connection with someone WORTHY of ME! This was easier said than done
Lets just say Ive kissed a lot of frogs.
You guessed it
I hired a coach! Woo HOO! Thank GOD for coaches! We need that outside mentor to guide us through the potholes and mud puddles of life. I swear in less than 4 weeks she had me dropping old beliefs and creating new ones. Preparing me for the dating world and learning to live in the moment, but most of all
how to just have FUN! My driven and competitive nature had turned dating into a competition unbeknownst to me. I didnt realize that I was disqualifying these poor men before the check had even arrived. So
you guessed it! I have met someone thats sweet
treats me like a princess and has a loving heart. Its still very new
but Im much more open minded than ever before that I can have a healthy love life.
Moral of the story Ive CHOSEN to sit in the Directors Chair of my Life not just be a default actor like a leaf blowing in the wind. I stopped playing the victim and decided to be the VICTOR in my life one that CHOOSES her destiny.
Ask yourself where in your life that youve let someone else be the director. Isnt it time that you took a seat in the chair that was created for you?
Happy Directing!!!
All my love and hugs!
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach