Celebrities and their weight challenges…Who Cares!?
Who cares about celebrities and their weight challenges?
The headlines make me sick. Celebrities aren’t the only ones that have these challenges…
I was getting groceries the other day and the usual checkout magazine headlines jumped out at me and I felt disgusted.
See how Kim Kardishian got her body back after giving birth.
Before her weight-loss they were creating controversy about the weight she had gained during her pregnancy. The media and their scrutiny can be so damaging. They treat these people with their toxic headlines as if they arent human with feelings.
They also pick on Jessica Simpson a lot these days as well. There are many that go through “Tabloid Hell” but I will give them their space without adding anymore celebrity names to this blog.
Do you really care? I dont
Im sure what goes through your head is These people can afford a private trainer, someone to cook for them and plan out their schedules. Of course they were able to drop their baby weight so quickly.
I used to think that too. Then I realized that they arent any different then those of us that dont make the headlines.
You dont have to pay for a private trainer and cook to show up in your home to lose weight and feel amazing.
Education + Game Plan + Coach = Success!
The first step that I took to create my new body was EDUCATION.
(I am half the size that I used to be 6 years ago- to hear more about my story: http://kariemillspaugh.com/my-weightloss-story/)
- I read self-help books about food and how it was processed.
- I studied for my Certification in Nutrition to help myself understand the science behind our bodies.
I created a weight loss GAME PLAN and broke it up to small achievable goals, combined with rewards with each baby step. My rewards were something as simple as a clothes shopping trip. Buying new clothes in your new smaller body frame is exciting! Nothing makes a woman or man feel better then being able to wear something in their closet from years ago that has always been too tight. This is my key indicator for weight loss OR gain. I dont religiously visit my bathroom scale, I base my size around how I feel in my clothes.
I hired a TRAINER/COACH to educate me on how to maximize each workout to the best of my bodys ability.
This is how success showed up in my life. I went from a size 14 to a size 6 and have kept that size for the past 6 years.
Losing weight is wonderful and gives you back the quality of life that you deserve. The important part is recreating great habits so that you can MAINTAIN that look for the rest of your life.
I would love to hear from you if you have a weight loss challenge or would like to finally get rid of those last few pounds.
I also want you to embrace FEELING awesome. You may already be the size you love, but have very little energy or vibrancy in your life. I can assist you with those areas as well.
Leave a comment or question below Im always happy to share what Ive personally learned.
All my love!
Karie Millspaugh
Wellness Coach